Local Media in Your Marketing Plan

In a today’s digital world, many question whether the use of traditional media in marketing still makes sense. Indeed, many companies now spend the majority of their budgets on digital marketing. While this approach makes sense particularly for large companies, the use of traditional media is still an effective tactic for the local or regional business.

To help you learn more about local marketing for your area, we have compiled guides to local media outlets in our region of southern Indiana. Most of the media on these lists are traditional and local, but we do also include some localized social media pages as well, as these pages can be very helpful to small businesses.

Local Media Guides

Greater Trust

Traditional marketing channels have been a part of people’s lives for decades. Consumers often associate a presence in established media with trustworthiness and reliability, elements that increase positive brand image.

Digital Clutter Fatigue

With consumers spending many hours a day online, people are becoming fatigued by the clutter of digital ads pervading the internet. A HubSpot study highlighted the view that digital ads are “annoying/intrusive” or “disrupt what I am doing.” The same study showed that 73% of consumers dislike online popups compared to 21% of respondents stating disapproval of billboard ads.

Community Engagement

Traditional, local marketing channels allow you to connect with the local audience and establish your company’s place in the local business landscape.

A Balanced Approach

Many local businesses opt to take a balanced approach and employ both digital marketing and traditional media channels. In fact, the two can work together to boost overall effectiveness.

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